NetCom Plus 111 is an industrial-strength network-based serial device server for connecting one RS232 device like CNC, PLC, weighting scale, scanner and other devices directly to the 10/100Mbps Ethernet network running TCP/IP.
In addition to allowing serial devices to get networked, any host (PC Server or Workstation) without network access can also access remote serial device via adding NetCom devices to the existing serial port. NetCom Plus 111 can be configured over Driver Panels, WEB Browser, serial Port, Telnet, SNMP and serves as a transparent serial channel without platform and distance limitation.
New: The serial connector is pin-compatible to Com1 on a PC, as DB9 male. The RS232 Null-Modem Adapter is no longer required.
The power consumption of NetCom Plus 111 is very low, supply via Ethernet is available. See the option, read background information, or check an adapter.